Why SKEWERS AT HUNTER & BARREL makes for a better dining experience

H&B Skewers

Skewer dishes are some of the most underrated dining experiences in restaurants, and not something you see very often on modern menus.  But with Skewered: Better By Fire, Hunter & Barrel is putting a spotlight on this succulent dish. Highlighting just why it deserves much more attention and love, and reminding Australians why skewered meats are a delicious way to dine. 

So what makes meat skewers at Hunter & Barrel such a tasty choice? 

Skewers make it possible to grill by fire 

Cooking non-skewered meats means cooking them over a hot grill or plate, where they can sit directly on heated metal to cook through. 

To cook over an open flame, a skewer is necessary to keep the meat the optimum distance from the fire. Just far enough to keep from burning, but just close enough to attain that perfect charcoal finish on the outside and a flawless succulent tenderness on the inside. 

This traditional style of cooking harkens back to the time of the hunter, when meat was cooked over open flames. It offers a noticeably different texture and taste experience that you simply can’t get with other grilling techniques. 

More surface area, more delicious charcoal finish 

When you eat a premium steak, the best part is arguably the corners where you get that exceptional combination of crispy charcoal and flavourful edge, with a juicy tender centre. 

With small, skewered pieces, you get that fusion of texture and flavour in every single bite. 

That’s because when the meat is cut into smaller, bite-sized pieces, you’re getting more surface area – more crispy skin, and more of the flavourful rubs and oils on the outside.

It also means for marinated meats, such as the Portuguese marinated chicken thigh and Wagyu rump, the marinade can better penetrate all the way through each small piece of meat. That means you get maximum flavour in every bite, rather than just the areas around the edges. 

It’s taking the best part of eating meat dishes, and ensuring you get that experience from the very first mouthful to the last. 

Flexible dining 

Cooking meat on a skewer helps to bring out the very best in each individual bite, but there’s more than one way to enjoy those bites. 

The Hunter & Barrel Skewered program allows you to enjoy a pared back, simple skewer, or you can opt to turn it into a decadent shawarma meal with salad and fries to truly ramp up the flavours and textures in your meal. 

Try SkewerS AT Hunter & Barrel 

If you haven’t yet tried the Skewered program with Hunter & Barrel, now’s your chance to discover why food skewers make for such delicious meals. 

Book your table in Melbourne’s Eastland or Perth’s Raine Square to devour a flame-grilled skewer, and see why the traditional style of cooking is so often the best.