What Meat Is Good For Skewers?

What Meat Is Good For Skewers

A question that is asked quite often is what meat is good for skewers? Meat skewers are one of the most loved ways to enjoy meat, thanks to the ability to pack intense flavours into smaller mouthfuls. Particularly popular with those who enjoy throwing a BBQ, meat skewers can be seen as an easy option to try making from home, but you can also enjoy skewers for a better dinning experience within fine dining settings. 

At Hunter & Barrel, we provide our diners with succulent skewers grilled over an open flame for maximum flavour and smokiness. However, you may need clarification on what meat is good for skewers and how we select specific types of meat that we know will deliver an exceptional taste. 

So, without further ado, Hunter & Barrel will recommend what meat is good for skewers and the different types of delicious skewered meat that awaits your taste buds. 

What Meat Is Good For Skewers: Dry Aged Striploin

Dry-aged striploin is one of the best options for skewering due to its succulent texture and rich flavours. Of course, at Hunter & Barrel, we are experts in providing meat with a sublime taste and texture, so we know exactly how to cook our meat to deliver a perfect finish. 

We blast our dry-aged striploin on an open grill, ensuring the meat has a crunchy finish and a soft centre for the ultimate taste sensation when skewered. It is essential to marinade the meat you are skewering to guarantee a rich flavour, and we use the likes of thyme to add light to the dark smokiness you can taste from the dry-aging. 

Wattleseed Kangaroo

If you’re looking for something a little more adventurous, our wattleseed kangaroo is one of the best options that you could go for. If you’ve never tried kangaroo meat before, you’re in for a treat. Kangaroo provides protein-rich meat, perfect for skewering and excellent at picking up diverse flavours. 

To bring out the best notes of our wattleseed kangaroo, we marinade our meat with coffee, wattleseed and pepper leaf for a unique taste you can’t find anywhere else. We accompany our wattleseed kangaroo skewers with homemade chimichurri sauce and Barringwood’s Pinot Noir for a prestigious and elegant flavour combination.

Filet Mignon

When it comes what meat is good for skewers, Filet Mignon is an excellent option for skewers due to its ability to grill well and remain incredibly tender in the centre whilst having a tasty, crunchy outside that makes for a succulent skewer. 

On its own, filet mignon has a delicate flavour, making it a superb base for marinating and adding ingredients to fill out its taste. You can pair filet mignon with robust flavours such as garlic or peppercorn sauce, ensuring enough flavour to add intensity whilst bringing the meat’s divine texture to life. 


If you’re looking for a skewer option that is lighter on your stomach without neglecting any of the flavours, salmon could be the perfect option for you. Salmon is beautiful when skewered with Mediterranean-style flavours and lemon, providing a freshness that can be challenging to find in the more decadent and meaty skewers. On the other hand, skewered salmon offers a delicate texture that can be enjoyed with crunchy vegetables for a more robust meal option.

At Hunter & Barrel, we provide a salmon skewer option with Moroccan spices, preserved lemon chermoula and harissa for a unique blend of tastes that will excite your palette. 

What Meat Is Good For Skewers: Lamb

Having lamb as your meat for a skewer is a great option and can be made into a more traditional recipe if you are interested in Turkish flavours and cuisine. The best cuts of lamb for skewering are sirloin, shoulder or boneless leg. Each of these three cuts provides a tender texture that is firm enough for a skewer but will still melt in the mouth in the most glorious way. 

To marinade your lamb skewer, we recommend using deep flavours such as cumin, paprika and other smokey seasonings that will add depth to your final dish. 

The Final Word On What Meat Is Good For Skewers

Skewers are an exciting and unique way to enjoy meaty flavours and textures that is less common than the usual ways of enjoying a meaty meal. At Hunter & Barrel, we believe that skewers should transport you back to the ages of hunting and eating around an open fire. We inject this ancient approach into our recipes with smokey flavours and Australian ingredients. 

With the likes of dry-aged striploin and wattleseed kangaroo as skewer options on our Hunter & Barrel menu, you can be confident that you can enjoy a taste of bliss when dining with us. On the other hand, you can take our advice from this blog and apply your knowledge next time you order or make skewers, ensuring you select the best cuts of meat. 

So, if you’re looking to discover what meat is good for skewers and the multiude of flavours that can arise from the versatility of skewers. Then, secure your table at Hunter & Barrel and we’ll welcome you with open arms. Book your table or contact us for our one of a kind meat skewers.